Suicide. A Message of Hope.

“This truly is a message of hope and love. However, this message needs to be given with the intensity and the urgency it requires, for the amount of people who consider suicide daily is astounding.

Excerpt from “Suicide. A Message of Hope.”

There is hope and help available. Please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 or visit them online at They are here for you 24/7/365.

On a very personal level, in 2006 Amy Lovelynn painfully experienced the loss of her spouse by suicide. The unexpected traumatic event thrust her into various grief counseling groups, evolving in time into an extensive personal exploration of the metaphysical realm. During this search for the meaning of life and a steadfast commitment to reclaimed joy, Amy began having powerful spiritual experiences revealing her unique intuitive gifts as a compassionate visionary messenger of Soul wisdom.

The full content of this article was transmitted to Amy revealing the divine’s higher perspective on the subject of Suicide. The multi-dimensional transmission is provided in its entirety. Due to the length of the message, it has been broken into 3 parts maintaining the integrity as it was delivered. She was not inquiring about the subject matter when it was given and has accepted in reverence the appointed task of sharing the eternal wisdom with the world.

Suicide. A Message of Hope.

Part 1 of 3 – Choice

We begin with a prayer of forgiveness to open one’s heart further on the topic of suicide, for it is within the divine heart this is a belief structure to be deconstructed. It is common to believe the cause of death ruled a suicide is when one has taken one’s own life. The ability for one to choose their own destined path of a life’s completion is the topic we choose to discuss with you.

There is more information that can be relevant to one’s own life and is most definitely a choice one makes when one feels there is a solution of sorts given to one’s self as a choice within a manner of death.

This is a bold statement to make, yet it is correct. There are many choices in which a Soul may choose to exit the Earth plane. There are many factors at play within a decision to take one’s own life. There is a missing element though within the common perception of those left behind after suicide believing the Soul departed is in effect absent from one’s life. This is the furthest from the truth. This is a myth we wish to debunk, for there is no life ended ever in departure from those loved.

Feel the resonance within this statement, for it is the love within the heart space within your own awareness for those who have died in such a manner within the past. The tragedy exists to believe the one who exited had no choice to live. This in itself is a heavy statement, for within the etheric realm there is only a choice to begin anew. There is no life or death as Souls are in continuous motion. There is no loss per se, only the loss of the identification with a life that was in despair.

The ability for one to discern the meaning of life must realize the implications of those who choose to stay upon the planet. The ability for one to determine one’s life would be better served by having stayed within the etheric realm of contemplation, realm of potential, realm of love, realm of peace, realm of prosperity. These are the factors one must consider when one chooses to depart the realm in which one finds the self to be, for it is certainty that guarantees there is most definitely a restitution to be paid.

The willingness for one to receive one’s self in entirety is the ability for one to choose one’s own life path. There is no right or wrong in the realm of potential. There is no right or wrong in the realm of unconditional love. There is only hope for a better future in which those who inhabit the Earth have a willingness to stay, a willingness to feel accepted by those who surround the self. There is a willingness for the Soul to receive equivalent treatment to those who in comparison feel to be superior to one’s own self. This is in effect an illusion, for within the realm of potential there is no right or wrong.

Within the realm of potential, there is only the ability for one to see that which one feels to be the element of truth that resonates with one’s own heart. The deception given is the example when one compares one’s self to another. There is the perception within the comparison one is wrong. The ability for one to see the Truth required to transcend into a more conscious state of perception, is to have the ability to compare one’s self to no one. There is the ability for one to know within one’s own heart one’s greatest potential.

It is with an open heart we say to thee, you are a bringer of light to those who have chosen to end their own life. You are a bringer of light to those who have the ability to see that which is possible for one’s own choice. You have the capacity to dispel the rumors of the etheric field in which it is believed there is no hope for those who have journeyed within and have fallen short of finding one’s own divinity. There is hope for those who have chosen to go within and to explore that which is the unconscious barrier to one’s own self. There is the capacity for one to explore and to know one is loved. There is the capacity to know one is cherished by those who honor each Soul’s potential. There is no falling short within the realm of one’s choice. There is no right or wrong answer to each person who poses the question of, “should I end my own life?” The ability for those to perceive there is an objective choice, is correct. Truly, there is not one individual who has not ever contemplated what life could be without their own existence, for it is within this own journey into itself one would even choose to inhabit the Earth.

Those who choose to come to the Earth have the ability to see for one’s self what life is like on the other side of the veil. The veil of illusion occurs when one chooses to separate one’s self from not only that which is the Soul, it is the reason for Being. There is no credible answer as to why one would choose to separate the self from All That Is. However, it is a choice made by those who have journeyed from afar to experience such a separated state of conscious awareness.

The ability for one to see alternate realms of possibility exist, are the ones who have the capacity to share with those who have limited vision into that which appears to be “one life”. The ability for one to know there are multiple forms of reality in which one resides is the capacity for one to know there is hope, for there is a version of the self residing within the desires of one’s own heart as the ability to know the connection is possible and this potential exists.

There is the capacity for one to go home within one’s own self and to navigate the mysteries of the dark side of human nature. There is the potential to express one’s self as a being of light. Whether one chooses to acknowledge there is a God or not is of no consequence, for there is only lightness of heart when one has the capacity to rise above that which ails one’s self within this separated state of conscious awareness.

The perception given is that one has no choice but to expose one’s self to the darkness, to the dark state of one’s own mind. There is the capacity for one to break free through such a connection if one openly chooses to go to the light. This is a concept to be shared, for the “light of conscious awareness” IS the light. The “light of conscious peace” IS the light. The “light of conscious awareness to one’s self that exists eternally IS the light. The light IS that which you are. The light IS that which is meant to be permanently within a state of awareness.”

There are many myths to be dispelled within this conversation. There are many belief structures to crumble in which some view the selves as limited participants in life. These are the Souls we wish to reach. This is the conscious awareness that must be communicated. This is the impression that must be made upon the hearts who are willing to hear and are willing to explore the controversial topic of suicide.

There is a choice to be made by each open heart to be explored:

“If I were to leave here tomorrow, do I feel I have been a positive influence unto those who surround my life?”

“Do I feel I have chosen to be a positive influence to those who have communicated their needs, their desires, their wishes to me in a co-creative state?”

“Is there the capacity for one to know those who surround the self are divine Beings?”

There is no shame in the inquiry being made. However, we insist so much more can be done. The responsibility does not lie upon one heart. The responsibility lies upon the many. There is no choice to be made, other than to allow one’s self to receive those who are within one’s life within a loving manner.

Copyright 2021 – All Rights Reserved – Amy Lovelynn

There is hope and help available. Please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 or visit them online at They are here for you 24/7/365.

Suicide. A Message of Hope.

Part 2 of 3 – Life and Death

There is an ability to know when one is struggling. There is a comprehension made or sensed something appears to be off with the individual who feels they have no choice but to end their life. This is an epidemic that has permeated the consciousness of those who have the ability to see there is a solution at hand. The solution required to end suicide is for all to have the capacity for empathy.

This is the desired state that must be reached among the consensus. This is the ability to share one’s self with those who need a helping hand. There is no choice to be made, other than to authentically share one’s self to those who surround our communities, to those who surround our lives in the interactions we make. A smile. A kind word. A perception someone needs a helping hand. A feeling there is something I can do to assist another I know. A conscious awareness there is volunteering I can do. A feeling I must contribute more to those who are suffering. A sense of decency to know there are kind words I can share that while may not reflect my own beliefs, honors those who have alternative views.

This is the epidemic that plagues the world today. The inability for those who surround the selves filled with despair while others know there is the capacity to do more to help the fellow brothers and sisters within one’s own life.

These are the topics that must be discussed amongst those who are serious about ending suicide. One may dispel the myths it is a result of a sickness of the mind. One may dispel the myths it is an inherited state of someone’s capacity to lean one way or another to consider such a choice. One must dispel the myths the medications one provides does not influence the mental capacities of those already suffering, altering one’s state of conscious awareness to reflect upon what is required to make a conscious choice to live.

There are many alternative viewpoints to suicide. There is the capacity for one to embrace within one’s own self the choices that must be made to change one’s own life. 

Implications of suicide does not only remain on the shoulders of the public, or the shoulders of the family of the loved ones, or unloved ones who have chosen to end their own life. The responsibility lies within an individual, for it is an individual choice for one to end one’s own life. We can assure you there is truth to the notion all deaths are a suicide. It is within one’s capacity to choose when one will exit one’s own play, one’s own choice of living that which is known to be the Soul’s expression of the physical identity of one’s life.

There are multiple discussions available surrounding the topic of life and death, however, suffice it to say that choice is involved in all aspects of one’s influence upon their own demise, upon their own strategy for one’s own life.

Society’s belief structure maintained currently is there is no future for elderly, “the only possibility for one’s self is to grow old and to die.” This in itself is limited thinking. This within itself is a conditioned, accepted behavior. There are many topics upon the element of choice. Choice truly is unlimited, however, there is a group consensus upon the Earth that those who reside here live to a certain age range and that is the end.

Suffering occurs when one chooses to believe one’s life was cut short. Suffering exists when one chooses to believe that which was delivered was a hand of fate. Suffering exists for those who falsely believe there was nothing that could have been done to prevent such a death.

There are episodes within one’s life when there are death exit points, opportunities for people to assess how one’s life plan is progressing. These are the moments critical in choice, for if the element of hope is gone, one may choose there is no reason to physically stay.

There is, in effect, the ability for life to protect one’s self to assure one stays. This is when there are alternate perspectives that can be gained, for the individual to remain upon the Earth and to reflect upon the attempt made upon one’s own life.

These are the moments of grace when there is the potential for one to redeem one’s self within one’s own mind. The term redemption is used loosely, for it is not within a religious state of confrontation. It is not a requirement of one’s self to repent or to repay some debt. It is however the potential for one’s self to expand one’s own conscious awareness. This is the modern definition that must be modified for repentance. Within one’s own self is the ability for one to go within and to reflect on to that which one does, on to that which one says, on that which one exudes within one’s own life, whether it be positive or negative, or an influence that feels to be bigger than one’s own self.

These are the moments critical within one’s journey upon the planet Earth, for within these moments, the decision is made how to course correct one’s own life.

This is the element in which choice is made, the ability for one to extrapolate where one has been, and where one is choosing to go next. These are decisions made in the etheric, typically when one is asleep at night. There is not necessarily a conscious awareness these agreements have been made. However, the choice prevails throughout one’s own day, for there are continuous reflection points that indicate, “This is the direction in which I need to move towards. This is the direction in which I feel compelled to live my life next.” It truly is one foot step in front of another, and when there feels to be no choice it is okay to pause, to allow one’s self to disintegrate the thoughts that feels to be the burdens upon one’s shoulders, to allow one’s self to feel that which is required to feel, to know that which is required to know, to sense that which is required to embrace as the truth within one’s own heart of hearts.

These are the choices that must be made when one continues upon one’s path forward. These are choices not necessarily only made at times of despair, these are choices made upon a daily basis. These are choices, that if made appropriately, are what will prevent one’s self from even getting to the brink of suicide contemplation.

There is the ability for one to know one’s own path, if one could only tune into the heart. The heart of hearts within each individual contains that which is required for one to have a sense of peace, a sense of joy, a sense of self-creative expression that is uniquely individual.

There is no relevance to one’s race, to one’s color, to one’s sex, to one’s affinity towards this or that. There is no relevance. We are all God’s children whether you choose to accept God or not.

Copyright 2021 – All Rights Reserved – Amy Lovelynn

There is hope and help available. Please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 or visit them online at They are here for you 24/7/365.

Suicide. A Message of Hope.

Part 3 of 3 – Prayer to Choose Anew

There is a destruction inherent within the individual hearts of those who feel they have no choice but to die. This destructive influence is the capacity for those to believe that which faces one’s self is impermeable. It is something that is solid, it is a wall that cannot be broken through. It is a state of conscious awareness in which one feels they are at a dead end. There is a choice to be made, and it is to be made now. These are the intense feelings one feels when one butts up against darkness, continuously day in and day out, without little glimmers of light, little glimmers of hope. This is the brick wall that feels impenetrable. The frustration, the anger, the confusion, the inability to break through, no matter how hard one tries.

This is the influence one is under in a suicidal state. This is the ability for one to comprehend there appears to be no choice, there appears to be no way out, no way forward. There appears to be nothing that can penetrate this state of mind.

However, we assure you this is only a state of mind. It is NOT an impenetrable wall. It is a state of mind that must be addressed. It is an awareness that one needs to elevate one’s thinking. The capacity for one to know or to feel these rational thoughts is un-accessible when one is within the grip of suicidal tendency. The ability for one to know there is even potential for lightness to be accessed, this is the deception one faces when there is the appearance of no choice.

We can assure you there is no darkness one has ever seen more dark than one’s inability to know the self. The inability for one to know the greatness that exists within one’s own heart, within one’s own mind, within one’s own human potential.

The elevation of conscious awareness required is for one to know there is hope, and the hope required is for one to believe there is an alternative. There is a potential in which I can see a glimmer of light. There is the potential I can rise above that which is in my awareness today, however, it does NOT define my tomorrow. It does NOT define my life.

There is a power that rises within one’s self when one has the ability to grasp this message being given.

The message being given now is the ability for one to know there is more. There is more to the story than you have been given. There is more to the story than you have been fed. There is more to the story than you have experienced. There is more to the story than you have felt. There is more to the story than you have had access to within the state of darkness.

Darkness is not an impenetrable state of mind. Darkness is an area within one’s life that requires the ability to reflect that which is within one’s own self. It is in essence the divinity, the spark, the light, the life, the reason within one’s own being for living. This is the fire that resides within each heart, each person, each individual. The truth of the matter is, this flame is still intact when one chooses to end one’s own life.

Within this message we choose to fan the flames of our own heart space, our own reason for being here now. Within this message, we allow the self to feel the love available within this message.

It is not by accident you are hearing these words. It is not by accident you have chosen in some relevant form to allow the self to receive the receipt of this transmission.

The assemblance of hope given within this message of love is the ability to know this message is applicable to all ears. Whether you are currently contemplating suicide. Whether you are currently in despair of the loss of a loved one who has completed suicide. Whether you are listening as a willing participant to be one who has the drive, the sense to know there is something within you that you can do to contribute more to those who surround your own life.

This is the message to be received. It truly is a message of hope and love. However, this message needs to be given with the intensity and the urgency it requires, for the amount of people who consider suicide daily is astounding.

We shall leave you with this. It is a prayer of forgiveness. It is a prayer of hope. It is a prayer of transcendence. It is a prayer of knowing within one’s own self, the Truth of One’s existence.

The prayer is as follows:

With an open heart, I receive more of me.

With an open heart, I receive more of that which I AM.

With an open heart, I receive that which I AM here to do.

With an open heart, I AM here to receive that which I have to share.

With an open heart, I receive that I AM worthy.

With an open heart, I receive that I AM love.

With an open heart, I receive that I AM divine.

With an open heart, I receive I have the power of choice within my own life, and if I can choose suicide, what else can I choose now?

For it is within this empowered curiosity, one finds one’s way back to that which is the whole Self. There is not one “dark night of the soul” experience that has not had to go within one’s self and to find that little piece of one’s Self, that allows one to walk through any amount of darkness, and to know there is hope.

There is hope. There is hope. The hope begins with you. The hope begins that you choose an alternative viewpoint. The hope is that you know you have a life to live that is worthy of being here because you are eternal.

You are eternal, and the choices one makes within one’s own life continues to be the choices one makes whether you are in a body suit or not. So, the falsehood is to believe if I choose to end my life, I end suffering. You are wrong.

The choice to end suffering, ends suffering. The ability for one to know all I must do is to choose anew; this is the choice you have. This is the choice that needs to be made. The battle that one wages within one’s self, is fighting choices.

There is no choice required to be made, other than to breathe. Just breathe. 



There is power in this message and we hope it will be shared and it will be carried within one’s own heart. It will be elevated to one’s own conscious awareness there are many myths one lives under. This is only one topic amongst many. This is one area, however, we know can make the most impact to one’s life. It is to dispel the belief there is no reason to live, for the reason to live is because you breathe.

That’s the only choice that must be made. Shall I continue to breathe or not?

They say we breathe unconsciously, however the truth is, you choose every breath you take. You choose to be here now. You choose to be present within your own life. You choose to be relevant. You choose to be open to receive more of that which you are. 

Please allow this message to be received in the manner in which it is given. It is the opportunity for one to allow one’s self to raise the vibratory state of one’s own frequency, to embody a conscious perspective that allows for one’s self to continually evolve into more.

We assure you this message is only the tip of the iceberg, for within this message you have received the ability to access more within your own life, you have chosen to breathe, you have chosen to live, and you have chosen to receive a higher conscious awareness.

And, within this elevated vibratory state you have received the light, the hope, the wisdom, the charity, the love, the ability to know there is more.

This is your open door, your open invitation to continue to embody that which you are, a unique, individual, eternal Being who is here to express your Self. Whatever outlet you express that comes from the heart; this is where you will find your joy.

Walk in peace and know you are loved.

Walk in peace and know you matter.

And so it is.

Copyright 2021 – All Rights Reserved – Amy LoveLynn LLC

There is hope and help available. Please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 or visit them online at They are here for you 24/7/365.

Amy is a visionary messenger of personal and collective Soul wisdom to walk peacefully upon the divinely illuminated path. She is a messenger in service to God the Source of All That Is. The “we” in this message is of the I AM Consciousness, a collective level of beings highly conscious about the challenges the Earth faces at this time.

Amy brings forth a plethora of prophetic messages for clients and readers. No topic is off limits. She provides priceless wisdom on emotional and physical well-being, new creative inspirations, innovative business ideas, and reframing expansion of any mental constructs limiting growth potential. She is available to provide insightful personalized “Soul Letter” guidance for navigating crossroads within the business of life. Amy is also the author of daily “LightenUpALL” spiritual wisdoms on FB and IG and is committed to leaving a legacy of love.

For non-urgent comments or inquires related to this article, please contact Amy at

Additional information on divine messages via Amy Lovelynn is available at

Disclaimer:  This written article is intended to provide general and inner developmental information only, and is not intended as medical advice, psychiatric or psychological evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment. I, Amy Lovelynn and Amy LoveLynn LLC, am not engaged in providing health or psychological services, or medical advice. Consult your physician or health care professional regarding particular health matters. I, Amy Lovelynn and Amy LoveLynn LLC disclaim any liability arising directly or indirectly from any information given or received of this written or verbal content.

There is hope and help available.

Please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 or visit them online at They are here for you 24/7/365.


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