What is love?
Love is something you give to thyself when thy feels from within one is worthy of receiving more of one’s self. The love apparent within your mind’s eye is the gift you give on a daily basis. It is the essence of love given unto you upon your birth. It is a love that carries you forth throughout your own life and the life of others. It is the love that shields one’s self from harm of one’s own heart, one’s own mind, and one’s ability to live within the Mind of God.
It is within one’s life we give of ourselves upon an equal basis. It is the love that attracts one’s mind to that which is given unto you. It is within your mind’s eye the grace given when love is a factor in exchange for that which you give to another, for it is within life all is given in love.
There is a prophecy in place in which all will return to love, for it is written within the Word of God that “Love Is All There Is.” It is within context of the mind of God in which love is expressed. It is within context of the mind of God in which love heals all wounds. It is within context of the mind of God in which love allows one’s self to feel at peace within one’s own heart, within one’s own being, and within one’s own view of another.
It is the love inherent within that makes a person whole. It is the love available within your own heart that fuels the flame of existence, fuels the reason for being, and fuels the reason for peace and joy that exudes within one’s own heart.
The message of love is prevalent, for it is a return to the mind of God that allows love to exist upon the Earth plane. For it is within the mind of God one enters into a realm of equal exchange, exchanging one’s time, exchanging one’s value, exchanging one’s heart for the worth of the love that exists within all you do. It is within an exchange one is given that which you are, for it is within the moment you choose to express that which you are, that which you give, that which you know to be true for you.
The message of love we give is to ascertain love is real, to ascertain love is the message for your own sharing, love is the message for your own life, and love is that which you give to be returned to you.
The message of love is of an important topic, for it goes without saying love is there whether one recognizes it or not. The love exists in plain view of one’s mind, in plain view of one’s physical structure, and in plain view of one’s heart. The love we equally share is a love that transcends time, transcends space, and transcends the moment in which one is birthed into the mind of God.
The Mind of God is of pure relevance, for it is within the mind of God all is perceived whole and intact. It is within the mind of God all is given to you in love, all is given to you in joy, and all is given to you as a mirror reflection of the love inherent within your own heart, is inherent within your own reason for being, and is inherent for your own reason to love one another.
Love is truly a splendid thing, for love in itself is relevant within all. It is an aspect carried forth whether one chooses to express love or not, for it is infused within your own creation of existence. There is nothing created through the mind of God that is not infused with the love of the Creator. However, it is within distortion of the mind that love becomes confused, love comes to be misinterpreted, and love comes to be irrelevant for those who carry the burden of darkness upon their own mind, upon their own heart, and upon their own Soul, for there are those who have been challenged to restore the love that is within. There are those who have been challenged to communicate in a manner that expresses love on a daily basis. There are those who allow love to transcend their own mind as if love is being withheld from their own heart. This is a confused state of being, it is a confused way of life, and it is irrelevant, for it is within your own heart that love exists.
It is within this offering we give to you now the option to choose whether you feel in alignment to the love you are, to choose whether love is truly what you value, to choose if love is that which you will give to not only you, but to another. For it is within the choice the alignment is restored. It is within the acknowledgment “I have the choice to give love, I have the choice to give peace, and I have the choice to give that which is inherently of the I Am, of God, and of the Mind of All who inhabit the love within our connections of All That Is.”
We speak to you within this moment for you to consider the possible connection of love into your own heart. The moment in which you choose love for your own self will reap you many rewards, for love is infused within you. Love is infused within all you do and it is within the love of God you are awake to the truth of your own existence. It is within the mind of God the love of you be shared with another. It is within the mind of God the love of you is abundant, the love of you is treasured, and the love of you is seeing for the truth of who you are.
This is a momentous choice, for the moment in which you choose to align your mind, heart, and Soul to love is the moment in which you fully embody your own power, you fully embody your own grace, and you fully embody that which you give within every breath, for it is within the breath that love exists. It is within the breath that love is inhaled and exhaled with an equal exchange of air that accompanies your own lungs, accompanies your own brain, and accompanies your own heart to be in tandem within the moment air is received and within the moment air is exhaled. It is within this exchange of the breath of life you are within flow of your own love you are, and the flow of your own ability to conceive the mind of God is that which breathes you. You are in continuum to the love that exists in a field of All That Is and you are within your own right in love with your own being, in love with your own heart, and in love with your own choice to be love.
Walk forth in peace and know love is that which you are.
And so it is.
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