I have a valuable super power. I hear things.
Purposeful information, messages that benefit quality of life and assure well being. Messages that impact and uplifts lives for the better. Messages that seem to make sense now, and make even more sense months and years later in hindsight. Messages that aides in making super smart business decisions. Messages that guide daily life, from the small to the miraculous.
This gift is always turned on if I’m paying attention or ask for its infinite awareness and wisdom.
This gift has revealed itself throughout life, and more frequently as a way of life when I committed myself to claiming it.
I remember an experience I had with the gift years back when I was traveling for work. I had just buckled myself into my airplane seat. In the midst of sitting there as passengers still boarded, I heard a voice clearly say “Get off the plane. There is something wrong with it.”
What?! Did I just hear what I think I heard?
The message repeated itself one more time. A bit louder.
“Get off the plane. There is something wrong with it.”
I sat their stunned, trying to act normal surrounded by others. What do I do?
My ego mind quickly raced, downplaying the message. That’s nonsense! Surely this can’t be true! Why would I hear that? Fear is messing with me, just trying to scare me. That’s crazy!
But…what if it is true? This could be a life or death message! Am I willing to risk sitting here and act like I didn’t hear anything before the doors shut and it’s too late as the plane takes off?
I felt the heaviness of anxiety on my heart as the mental discounting resumed. I’m flying for an important meeting. I can’t not go! If I did get off the plane, can I switch to another flight and still arrive today? Oh my God! I’m traveling with a coworker in a different aisle I can’t get to! Do I get up and tell them I can’t go? What if it’s true? I can’t leave them behind too! Surely it’s not true! They will think I’m nuts! Oh crap, what if nothing happens and other’s hear about it! I can’t even get off the plane if I wanted! Look at that! It’d be like swimming upstream in an aisle of salmon! Oh crap. I’m not going to leave my checked bag!
I had a million reasons to talk myself out of the voice I only heard twice and never repeated itself. See! Surely it’d be screaming at me over and over if it were truthful? My best decision is to pretend I didn’t hear it.
Distracting myself, I forced myself to think about something more happy and more socially acceptable. It will be fine, stop worrying. I wonder where we will eat after we arrive?
All were now seated and I was eager to get going. See! Told you it was fine!
The pilot came over the loud speaker to make the long awaited departure announcement.
“The flight crew and I are sorry to inform you we have been notified there is a mechanical issue with this plane and it is required to be taken out of service. Everyone will need to deplane. Please take all your bags with you and remain at the gate to await updates on how quickly a new plane can be arranged.”
Thank God there were other unseen guardian and earth angels looking out for me and others because I didn’t trust or choose to be bothered by the inconvenience of life saving awareness I had been privy to.
The voice and I have had countless encounters. Over time, life has prepared me to trust in the voice of the unseen.
Hearing things isn’t the only super power in my soulful design chart. We each have multiple super powers and although they differ are equally as powerful in their own way.
What is your super power? Are you using your super power as much as you could be?
Copyright 2022 – All Rights Reserved – Amy Lovelynn LLC