“The multi-dimensionality that exists is far reaching beyond what the mind can perceive. There are elements of these other realities placed in your Soulful Design and Soul Letter sessions, so although the intent is based on the lifetime currently being experienced or expressed by the inquirer, the fact is you receive what is necessary to further soul development and not just associated with the lifetime in question.
Soul development from our perspective is the continuation of the life being expressed by the person that arranged for the information to be revealed. It is not done in a manner that will disrupt current life flow, in fact it will enhance it by knowing YOU are much more than you see when you glance into the mirror.
It is not the intent to provide anyone with a glimpse of the future per se, as it is all in “real time” and is something beneficial in assisting upon your journey in the capacity required to guide you upon your greatest accomplishments that is potential based on the free will capacity to accept the information being provided.
There are some events that occur regardless of whether accepted or not in the day-to-day choices that impacts the method in which one functions. It is a function of emotional capacity to own the truth of who YOU are, YOUR unique authenticity beautifully interwoven into the tapestry of the life laid out before you.
We appreciate Amy has so much inquiry to the way things work upon the planet Earth. We know she knows this is just one element of the many and the fact is she is working with multi-dimensionality and not just limited to the simplified questions at hand in the mind’s eye.
That IS the doorway to a greater exploration that occurs.”
Purposefully serving YOU,
Amy Lovelynn